
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Floral Outings

Check out my floral outings this week. I painted these flowers on corrugated fiberboard pieces with acrylics, using pen outlines.

The first picture is of a flower that is currently blooming in my garden. The second picture was inspired by a photograph I came across while browsing.

Pity the camera didn't capture the shades of mauve too well. However good your camera may be (and mine is a high-res Sony), sometimes the naked eye works best! :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Cityscape: San Francisco Street

I tried out a new style in painting yet again. And this time it was the urban setting of San Francisco (SFO) that caught my fancy.

Going through one of my favourite blogs, Different Strokes For Different Folks by artist Karin Jurick, I came across this picture of the SFO street.

My first reaction was 'How can anyone paint something so drab and grey?' But the responses that came in were such a learning experience. It taught me how to look at a subject from your own imaginative viewpoint so that even the most regular of shots could be interpreted in an aesthically pleasing fashion.

So this was my version of the SFO street, and I must admit I'm quite pleased with the end result. What do you think, dear readers?

Friday, October 23, 2009

Forced Creative Break

Duh! Am in the middle of dealing with a forced creative break. Its been over a month that I haven't touched my brushes. Just made some paper lanterns for Diwali with the kids, and a spot of rangoli, and that was it.... no more creative outings in the festive season. tch! tch!

Can't say I'm too happy about this scenario. Rather I'm starting to get withdrawal symptoms.... Now wait, my creative brain says that is a good thing, a sign of the tumult inside. Let's see where this leads....
Promise to be back soon with something to show! And hope you all (from India) had a fabulous Diwali.