
Friday, February 26, 2010

Outdoor Cafe In Spring

Weekend ahead.... so what are your plans? How about spending an afternoon in this outdoor cafe amidst the beautiful spring blooms.

Aah! I love the setting.... just ideal for spending a lazy, gossipy afternoon with friends! Hope you all are coming over. :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Pansy Passion

The theme of spring continues in my work.... my ode to the loveliest of seasons!

This painting is inspired by the lovely pansies currently blooming in my container garden.

The pansy has long been another of my favourite flowers (after the nasturtium). I especially love their bright little faces swaying in the gentle spring breeze. The dazzling colour pallete only adds to their visual allure.

A subject I thoroughly enjoyed painting! Hope you too like this bright pair of pansies.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Getting Back & Welcoming Spring

I was back from my vacation to Jodhpur earlier this month, and have finally managed to bring out my brushes again. The weather has warmed up all of a sudden, and spring is in the air. My garden is blooming, and so I thought it would only be appropriate to paint something floral.

This sketch has been lying around for more than a month but somehow I felt apprehensive to approach it. But now that I have splashed the brightest of hues on it, I am pretty happy with the results. That I could bring out the layers of colours in the petals of this Nasturtium has been my biggest satisfaction out of this painting. Hope you all enjoy it as much.

I promise to try and increase my frequency of painting from now on so I have more to share with you.

I know a lot of you have been stopping by this blog even while I was away. A big "Thank you" to all of you who have cared to visit and revisit! :) Do keep checking in, and all your comments, observations, suggestions are more than welcome.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

In Vacation Mode

"All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go...." : John Denver (Leaving On A Jetplane)

January has been rather low-productive in terms of artwork. Not for lack of ideas, but mostly for a mix of reasons that I won't bore you with. Guess its time for a fresh perspective.

Maybe I need to recharge my batteries to start afresh.... so I'm off on a short trip to Jodhpur. Meanwhile you can catch some of my framed artwork here.

Hope to be back with something new to show soon.