
Thursday, July 22, 2010


Inspired by portulacas and day liles that are so common this time of the year, here is another painted bottle that I've named Blossoms.

This was tougher to do because of its round shape. The paint kept flowing all over, and I had to struggle with some quick drying to keep it looking even.

When my mum heard what I'm working on this morning, she complained I hadn't gifted her any. So Blossoms is for you, dear Ma, especially because you so love flowers.

As for you, dear readers, next time you grab a drink on the go, you know what to do with the bottle! :)

Friday, July 16, 2010


My recent visits in and out of hospitals gave me many opportunities to observe people. The most dominant mood I came across was a thoughtful, pensive one as people waiting for their loved ones to recover often withdrew into their own little shells in the midst of the cacophony in the waiting lounge.

I have tried to capture this same sombre mood here. I especially enjoyed doing the dark, inky blue of the background as it seemed to reflect the pensive state of the figure very aptly.

In case you are wondering about the difference in the tonal quality of the two pictures above - the first one was clicked without a flash, and the second using one. So which one looks better? I think the flash captures the colours well but the first one captures the essence of the work. What do you feel?

p.s.- My painted bottles have received a tremendous response. Thanks to all of you who wrote in with your encouraging words. :)

Creative Rumblings Is Now On Facebook

It is a weekend treat indeed! Creative Rumblings is now on Facebook. So you can join in the fun through your favourite networking site.

Just check the scroll bar on the right to find the link to my Facebook page. See you there!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Autumn Leaves

Another painted bottle, covered this time with autumn leaves of all shapes, sizes, and hues.

I randomly searched Google Images for 'Autumn Leaves' and the search results led me to making my own bottleful of leaves.

What I love about this particular bottle is the way you can see through to the leaves painted on the other side. I feel the translucence of the paints has been used to very good effect in this one.

And of course, the gossamer quality of the paint only adds to the look. Here's a close-up view for you.

This bottle definitely counts as my sheer favourite! :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

French Riviera, Bottled Up!

Aah! let me take you on a quick getaway to the French Riviera, arguably one of the most scenic holiday spots in the world. So come along, close your eyes and imagine a stone-walled villa, with green vines and bright flowers creeping up the brown walls.

Huge arched windows beckon you to look out.

And as you gaze beyond the arch of the stone window, the azure blue of the sea dazzles you.

Tall palm trees swaying in the gentle breeze as colourful boats and yachts bob up and down on the waters.

Hope you enjoyed the flight of fancy just as much as I enjoyed spinning the yarn! And capturing it all through paint on a bottle... :)

The irony : Never imagined a bottle of antiseptic to inspire so much creative thought!!! Sometimes you do get inspiration from the weirdest of places, but the arch on the Dettol bottle has long seemed like a veritable window to me.

Go on, now search for your own Aha! moment. :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Being away from my colors these last two months has given me a monochromatic vision!

When the mind is clutterred with too many things but the hands want to doodle anyway, this is the result.

Apologies for the single post last month despite promising otherwise. Sometimes the plan just doesn't work....

Hope to make up for that this month so check back for some of my painted bottles soon. And many thanks to all my lovely readers for hanging in there with me.:)