
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Street Food Cart

Can't believe this is my 100th post! This blog has sure come a long way.... :)

My second submission for the virtual paintout at San Miguel de Allende. I used this street view to create this painting, and am pretty pleased with the outcome.

My learning this time was about how important shadows are. After I had finished putting in the colours, I realised that something was amiss. Then, by sheer gut feel, I darkened the shadows. While black is a colour one should use with a lot of thought, this once I used it liberally. As soon as the shadows got done right, the colours from the other parts popped up and everything worked together.

I especially like how the figures turned out in this one... the lady sitting with her cup, the fellow with his cap, the couple on the right of the cart, and the food sellers with their distinctive identities. Adding human interest definitely ups the overall appeal of any painting.

I'll be working on a couple of bottles now, and then plunge headlong into Diwali festivities. :) See you all sometime next month....

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Farmer's Field

The farmer's field behind our house is the source of endless inspiration. I can actually sit in the comfort of my bedroom and stare all day at the lush green fields. The ripening crops attract a lot of birds and animals, and watching them intertact and play around is such fun.

In this piece I have tried capturing some such instances of activity in the fields - the butterflies flitting in and out of the swaying crops, the crow flying low looking for some food, the fat tabby cat waiting to pounce upon some unsuspecting bird.

I am quite happy with this one, especially because things did turn out as I had originally imagined. I can feel a series of more drawings brewing up inside....

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Kashmir Valley

Chronologically, this one should've come before the previous post. It was started last month, and left to languish in the midst of my festive fiesta. Finally completed it earlier this week.

Done from a picture taken by a cousin on one of her many trips to the beautiful Kashmir valley in north India.

While I'm happy with the most part, after I finished I wished I'd done the skies differently. They seem to take the focus away from the pretty colours of the hills.

What do you think? Am I being too hard on myself! ;)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Cactus Country

My first submission to the Virtual Paintout blog featuring San Miguel de Allende this month. I am participating after a long gap of five months, and really enjoyed touring around the colourful streets of this month's location.

Click here to see the picture that I used for my small painting (7.5" x 5.5").

I really liked the outcome. Hope to be able to send across another one next week.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Inspiration Plaques

This is an easy one. Here are the steps on how you can make your own inspiration plaques. Please follow at your own risk! ;) (And don't say I didn't warn you well in time!)

1. Filch a couple of useless wood blocks from a neighbour's yard. (This is exatly what I did.... not that they cared.)

2. Think up some inspirational words to paint on these wood blocks. (I used acrylic paints.)

3. Paint, dry, display, and enjoy.

Thankfully mine are displayed close to where I work so I can see them many times a day. The two simple words on my inspiration plaques really sum up my mantra for life.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Festive Fever & Sneak Preview

Found this blog missing in action these last couple of weeks? Well, blame it squarely on the festive season. I have had my hands full, with my son's b'day, my parents' visit, and Durga Puja. You can look forward to some posts later this week as I finish off stuff I left half done last month.

Meanwhile here is a sneak preview of the latest bottle I'm working on. It is far from completion, and taking longer than expected.... but that is how creative things go. So no point complaining; only hope I get back into the creative groove soon before another festive bout hits! :)