
Friday, January 20, 2012

Bottle Art in SPAN magazine

The year sure started on an exciting note! Have been on such a high ever since one of my hand-painted bottles made it to the Jan-Feb 2012 issue of SPAN.

The issue focuses on the concept of Green Living, and carries my bottle art specimen in the centrespread (infographics section).

The SPAN team chose to feature my Beer Bottle Landscape in their article on reusability. Click here to see the article online.

A big thanks to the entire SPAN team, and especially to Hemant Bhatnagar.

Reaffirms my belief that a discarded bottle can turn into a home accessory! Only, you need that willingness to want to reduce your load on the planet, and a special set of eyes to appreciate the unusual. Are you game enough? :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Versatile Blogger Award

Got nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by fellow blogger Yuvika of My Musings. Well, many thanks for choosing me, Yuvika. Am truly honoured! :) Must say the year has started on a great note...

But the award comes with a catch - now I have to follow a set of rules that I'm too lazy to jot down here.

For one, it involves tagging 15 more people for the award, which I confess is a tad difficult. Not because I do not want to share my appreciation of fellow bloggers, but simply because it is too tedious to go around informing each of them. So, all you wonderful bloggers on my blogroll, I nominate each one of you for being part of my daily inspiration!

As for sharing 7 random things about myself (another rule), here goes:

  1. I am an adrenaline junkie - give me roller coasters and bumpy flights anyday. I'll be calm through all that turbulence.

  2. I am a fairly private person; I simply cannot share everything with everyone.

  3. I used to be a voracious reader till I had kids. Now if I get through the newspaper, I feel blessed. Writing has gone out of the window altogether.

  4. I carried out my first business transaction in high school when I sold a set of handmade pressed-flower cards to a friend. Was a big deal for me, of course!

  5. I love travelling but get to do very little of that now. Road, rail or air, anything goes... I find the journey to be a de-stresser, when I can be with myself.

  6. My first job was as a casual announcer on the radio; did it for about 2 years and loved every minute of it!

  7. I hate waking early but with two brats to be sent to school, I have little choice!

There, now you all know me that much better. :) Will be sharing another special piece of news soon. Till then, get creative!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Fruity Feast

First post of the new year, and I have a special treat for my readers.... A fruity feast to start the year with!

Sitting out in the sun and chomping on fruits is a favourite winter pastime for us. And for those of you who skip the daily intake, hanging some on your walls may just serve as a reminder. :)

So go on, indulge in some fruit-laden goodness for your health and your hearth. As I enjoy the holidays with my kids, friends, and a large dose of happiness and bonhomie!