
Monday, August 27, 2012


Have just about recovered from a hard drive crash! Went through hell last week as three years worth of data disappeared overnight, including official stuff, personal stuff, and a huge collection of pictures. Over this weekend things are slowly crawling back to normal, so I can breathe again....

In sorting through old pictures, I came across these Daffodils that I had painted in my early glass painting days.

The piece is my tribute to Wordsworth's famous poem by the same name; it remains one of my favourite pieces of poetry till date. The painting hangs in an uncle's home for the past many years now. :)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

More Random Sketches

One of the best ways of making the shift from bottle painting to regular painting is to practise some sketching first.

Picked up an old edition of National Geographic magazine and tried out these two.

Sketching reinforces the old adage about lines being the most important part in any work of art. It really is all about lines in the end. So pick up a pencil and start off yourself....

Thursday, August 16, 2012


I have been working so furiously on the bottles since April that very few paintings have gotten done during this period. This is one of the few pieces that managed to make it through.

It was lying around sketched for a long time before I finally picked up the paints and finished it in three days flat.

I thought a visual progression would make for interesting viewing, so here goes....

Do let me know what you think of how the painting evolved. For me the journey is always fascinating! :)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Cosmos Garden

In my student days, I used to visit the hills often. And just after the rains, the hillsides used to be covered in green, with flowers popping out of everywhere. My aunt's garden had a huge expanse of cosmos flowers, with their pretty pink flowers bobbing in the breeze.

It is the beauty of that memory from my youth that I have tried to capture in this bottle. Cosmos flowers crowd the base of this bottle, with overhanging berry-laden creepers filling up the top.

And that magical zone in between abuzz with the drone of the dragonflies!

Surely one of those amazing pieces that helps bring in the outdoors....