
Friday, June 26, 2020

Creative Rumblings Now on Instagram

As June is our birthday month, we decided to gift ourselves an Instagram account.

Yes... yippee!! we are finally on Insta and loving it already. Now help us make our birthday more fun by following our Insta feed right away.

You'll find our feed to be a mixed bag - some old some new, some familiar some forgotten, some fresh and some faded. But isn't that what life is about!

So go on.... show us some love on Instagram. Our handle is 'creativerumblings' of course, as shown in the above screen grab!

Look forward to connecting with you all on this new platform.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

The Great Chomper

In these last couple of months of lockdown and staying in, one has hardly had any human visitors. Just occasional interaction with the neighbours from a distance.

But one summer day we discovered someone new roaming in the neighbourhood. She came straight towards our giloy plant, plucking off all the fresh leaves at one go. After finishing chomping on the giloy, she made a beeline for the red hibiscus.

And thereby hangs the tale of how this painting was created and named. Our bovine visitor now comes by occasionally, and is always seen chomping on new varieties. Though the giloy remains her favourite.