Friday, May 1, 2020

Over The Supermoon

This week I bring you the third painting from my new illustration series, appropriately called Lockdown Freedom. Yes, the name of the series is an oxymoron on purpose. This series features a creature (my signature bird/s in this case) who is free from the global lockdown, and leading a life doing what they please.

So did you all catch the pink supermoon last month? It was out on 07 April. Well, the moon wasn't really pink but more of a pale yellow, and hung really low on the horizon. Don't know about you but my birds definitely enjoyed it, getting soothed in its mellow yellow light. Even if you missed the last one, you can also equally enjoy the sighting of the supermoon; even in lockdown. There is another supermoon coming up on 07 May so watch out for it.

Since the lockdown is also about frugal living and using only the basics, this series has been painted using only the primary colours (red, blue and yellow) and their various combinations, along with just black and white. Watch out for subsequent paintings from the series in the coming weeks.

Stay home and stay safe. As we remain in lockdown, look for the silver lining behind the dark clouds. Appreciate being in the here and now, for the present is a gift to be cherished.


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