An artist uncle told me years ago that if I ever run out of gift wrapping paper, I should use newspaper instead. “How uncool” was my silent response to his suggestion. After all, who uses down-market newsprint to adorn gifts? The idea is to embellish, is it not?
Today, when carbon footprints are such a big deal, I realize the import of his words.
For newspaper wraps not only save a few trees from being cut, they get you scoring high with the environmentalists, make you feel good about having done your bit for the planet, and give you a chance to be creative. Now that’s quite a list….
So here’s a couple of newspaper wraps I did recently for gifts to family. When I finished wrapping the first one, I didn’t know what to do with the bits sticking out. So I shaped leaves out of them…

Of course you can do better. Add more detailing, stick on more stuff, and give your creative self a free hand. Heck, you could even paint on it. But lazy ol’ me just stuck to plain newspaper, and some coloured bits from the glossies to jazz things up. Here’s a red paper bow I added to the second one…

The creature I mentioned in my last post is still work-in-progress. Will try finishing up soon… In the meanwhile, what do you think of these?
Today, when carbon footprints are such a big deal, I realize the import of his words.
For newspaper wraps not only save a few trees from being cut, they get you scoring high with the environmentalists, make you feel good about having done your bit for the planet, and give you a chance to be creative. Now that’s quite a list….
So here’s a couple of newspaper wraps I did recently for gifts to family. When I finished wrapping the first one, I didn’t know what to do with the bits sticking out. So I shaped leaves out of them…

Of course you can do better. Add more detailing, stick on more stuff, and give your creative self a free hand. Heck, you could even paint on it. But lazy ol’ me just stuck to plain newspaper, and some coloured bits from the glossies to jazz things up. Here’s a red paper bow I added to the second one…

The creature I mentioned in my last post is still work-in-progress. Will try finishing up soon… In the meanwhile, what do you think of these?